Sunday, August 22, 2010

3 weeks already?

Yup tomorrow Madelyn will be 3 weeks old. It has been an exciting 3 weeks as we've tried to adjust to life with a very active and stubborn 2 year old and beautiful but some what fussy newborn. Here are a few pictures from the last 3 weeks...

These pictures are from the day we left the hospital. Ethan had spent the night with us and was very excited to bring his sister home.
Here is Madelyn in her coming home out fit...
This is Madelyn's favorite place to sleep. And for the first week or so this is the only place we could get her to sleep. Jared and I would take turns holding her through out the night.
And after a few nights of holding her all night we bought this...
And Jared used the box and made this for Ethan, his very one playhouse.
Remember my post about the boppy pillow from when Ethan was a newborn? Well some things never change...
Look at my cute little family...
Ethan is a very big helper. He LOVES to hold his baby sister and loves to feed her. He'll usually sit on the couch and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while he's being my helper.


Lindsay said...

Three weeks already!?! How did the time fly by so quickly? You all look so great and so happy! You do have a beautiful family.

Unknown said...

:) So cute, so funny, and so glad she's here!

The Bowes said...

very cute pictures!

CarrieLu and Madi too said...

Beautiful family! Madelyn is so precious. After seeing pictures of her, I can't wait to hold my little bundle of joy. Ethan is such a good helper.