Thursday, November 29, 2007


Katie said...

That is the cutest page Shantell! He is such a cute cute baby!!!! I love those naked pictures of him crying! hehe I hope you're doing good and having tons of fun being a mom!!!!

Brittney said...

Ohhhh he is adorable. YAY! You scrapped. This is so cute Missy! I love it. He is just a cutie!!!!!

Danica said...

HE IS SOOOOOO CUTE!! SOO SOO CUTE!! I love the page you did!

The Batty Bunch said...

Wow! How time flies. I can't believe Ethan is already 1 month. What a cute little bug.

Heather said...

Your little one is already 1 month old?! Goodness!! He is so cute. I love the expressions you captured! And your scrap-page is awesome. I so need to get on that. That should me 1 of my New Year's catch up on Livvy's. I have 2 years worth to do. Uugghhh!

Heather and Ray said...

What a handsome little boy!!! He has got the cutest eyes. What a precious child.

Leslie & Matt said...

I am so impressed that you have the time to scrap such cute stuff! I don't think I did anything other than survive for the first 3 or 4 months! Again, you have a very handsome little man & I can't wait to see you guys again!

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